Simply Social Los Angeles Features Sunny Day Scoot As A
Must Do Activity For Locals Or Visitors In The LA Area!

Simply Social LA is a great way to stay up on all things wonderful about Los Angeles. Giving their followers a direct line on the pulse of what is going on in the city of Angeles, Simply Social LA wants you to get out and experience life.
They agree that Sunny Day Scoot is a “Must Do” for the fun, entertainment, energy, and great memories! There is no bad reason to get out in these open air vehicles, put on a smile, and enjoy the sunshine all at the same time. This is a time for reconnecting with joy and those you feel joyful around. Sunny Day Scoot offers options starting at sunrise every day. You get to drive yourself and sit side-by-side with the person you most want to have this amazing experience with. With activities that range from one to three hours long; there is something for everyone to enjoy. Dust off the cobwebs, shake off the blues, and buckle up for the ride of your life!
Check out these awesome options so that you can come have fun too!